It was an honor for us to receive an article entirely dedicated to us in our newspaper “L’Eco di Bergamo”. Signed by Tiziana Sallese it’s telling us through her eyes, we thanks her and proudly report it below:
Here is Geppetto with fairy hands. And the VIPs choose the furniture in Ranica.
Precision, competence and reliability. These are the characteristics that foreign customers ask Carla Silvana Anesa, owner of the Modulor company based in Ranica.
A company that in recent years, also thanks to the discretion with which it has historically operated, has produced and supplied furnishings for the VIPs’ home. Etoile of the world of dance, actresses, comic models, all those who rely on Modulor know they can count on the greatest possible respect for privacy. The made in Italy therefore, today more than ever, cross-national borders thanks to the reliability, attention, and care of our craftsmen. So Carla Silvana Anesa thanks to her right arm, Bruno Pizzi, can boast of having signed with the hallmark of her production, houses, offices, and shops scattered all over the world. “Modulor was born in 1976 – says Carla who loves to be called like this, with the simple first name – those were the years of traditional joinery, while we were born with the precise intent of making everything tailored. Hence also the name was chosen for the company, Modulor in fact and the name of the scale of proportions, based on human measurements, invented by Le Corbusier as a guideline for human-scale architecture “. In addition to this philosophy, the other element that Carla and Bruno can’t give up (for more than twenty years in their own way, he also calls himself by his first name to which, however, he adds “the carpenter”) is the wood. This is, in fact, the main material of their productions. Whether lacquered, coated, combined with steel, glass or any other material, the kingdom remains the heart of their artifacts.
“Wood is our soul”
“The Wood is the true soul of everything we produce – both underlined – that precisely because of our ability to treat this material, our production is so requested, even if foreign markets where Made in Italy is not only appreciated but it is expressly required”. And in this regard, Carla and Bruno remind us of the latest works made in Vietnam: “we set up all the furnishing for a high fashion shop, ‘the luxury shop’, translated into Italian. Those who commissioned the work asked us for continuous confirmation that everything used was marked “made in Italy”. All materials must have been produced and elaborated in Italy. The same request was made for our other installations in the United States.” A small but at the same time a large reality the one of Modulor, which avails itself of the collaboration of seven other people, in addition to Alice (a degree in industrial design), Carla’s daughter.
Work under the hurricane
And it is not a coincidence that Bergamo’s activity is known and appreciated also abroad, in fact, while Hurricane Irene was raging in New York, Bruno worked on the 11th floor of a skyscraper: “I have to deliver the offices that I was setting up – he says quietly as if working under a hurricane is the most normal thing in the world – and therefore continued in what I was doing. Of course, the sound of wind and rain could be heard, but it almost kept me company. I understand that the storm was violent at the moment the laser couldn’t draw straight lines. It wasn’t standing still!”. It is appropriate to say that nothing and nobody stops our craftsmen: “You must not be afraid of anything – confirms Bruno – what you cannot do alone you do it together”.