We are creative interior designers, crafting with passion to mould ideas into physical environments.
Our reality is hardly ever a linear process, and so are our projects.

  arredamento su misura bergamo


interior design studio


We are a company that designs and manufactures custom furniture. Our reality is hardly ever a linear process, and so are our projects. 
And that is the whole point.
 Stores, houses, offices, common spaces are the leading 
characters in our world, stages of different existences,
lives that deserve to be celebrated for their very diversity.


There’s a place for everything and our mission is to find it.
 We feel content only when we succeed in meeting the needs and fully reflecting the our client’s personality. 
We believe that the Person is the cardinal principle to measure usefulness, fitness and functionality,
 even before considering aesthetics appearance.
 Only abiding by this rule will interiors speak an alluring, engaging and timeless language.

esperienza artigianale laboratorio


There’s a place for everything and our mission is to find it.
 We feel content only when we succeed in meeting the needs and fully reflecting the our client’s personality.
 We believe that the Person is the cardinal principle to measure usefulness, fitness and functionality,
 even before considering aesthetics appearance.
 Only abiding by this rule will interiors speak an alluring, engaging and timeless language.

esperienza artigianale verniciatura


We can become tiny and tiptoe into environments that have already found their own vocation.
 Or we can become huge and lead entire, complex projects.
 Each dimension has its own charm, and we know it well after 40 years in business. 
Bespoke is our style, and even more: it is the working practice we are known for.


green is the color of research which leads to new awareness.