Classic style: Elegant and welcoming

Classic style: Elegant and welcoming

The Classic style is typical of an elegant, spacious house, capable of transmitting feelings of welcome and warmth without appearing severe. Those who choose the classic style certainly love retro-flavored furniture, wood with its inlays and oversized upholstered sofas.

Classic Living room

a Classic living room with upholstered sofas and armchairs, elegant chandeliers and large curtains.


Although the years fashions are passing quickly, the Classic style can be defined timeless. Recognizing himself for his inspiration from the noble houses of the past, he refers itself precisely to that ancient luxury. This style is synonymous of elegance and often also the declaration of a certain socio-economic status and a certain type of taste.

Great attention is given to the authentic beauty of the furniture and finishes rather than functionality or technology. Two factors are therefore important to furnish in a classic style: a large space to devote to furnishings and accessories and no limits of budget. People who choose the classic style often have a passion for fine antiques and a very spacious house ready to welcome them.

 modern classic living room

a living room in Classic Modern style, more minimal but equally elegant.


In the Classic Style’s architecture there is no shortage of columns with capitals, sometimes not structural but a simple pretext of aesthetic refinement. Stuccos, vaults, ceiling moldings and frescoes find their best expression. Another key element are the chandeliers, usually in crystal and clearly visible in the center of the rooms. Art is very important for classic-style homes, an inevitable touch of class. Very large paintings seem to transform domestic interiors into museum spaces, or many squares of various sizes crowd an entire wall as if they were the scenography of “The Best Offer”“The best offer”. There is no shortage of statues or sculptures, both for the outside and for the inside.

When we talk about classic style it is good to underline that we are referring to a world of interior design that embraces different influences, eras and traditions. Think of the imperial, rococo, baroque and all the currents that define the taste of tradition. Of all the facets known throughout history, the most popular one in the world of interior design is the Modern Classic. We could define an extremely chic and refined Modern Classic, comparing itself in certain aspects and interpretations to the Luxury style.

boiserie white
boiserie gray

both for the Classic and Modern Classic styles, the Boiserie are fundamental.


Wood always prevails and is usually “solid”, recognizing itself for physical and visual prominence with important thicknesses and large surfaces. In fact, at the design level, the tops and backs of bookcases and furniture tend to be tall and wide and most of the time with a characterizing profile or elaborate decorative details. Noble woods such as mahogany, oak, cherry and beech prevail.

Then there are wooden elements such as chests and cupboards which, as for the Boho Chic style, are indispensable. The materials combined with wood are noble and luxurious, such as marble for the floors or even for the kitchen and bathroom countertops, glass for the doors of cupboards and dividing doors, precious stones for small decorations, porcelain for knick-knacks, sanitary ware and sinks. The lines of the furnishings are never essential but rather sophisticated. An example are the closing doors of the furniture, usually embellished with a central band that is broken or in relief.

The pieces of furniture abound without leaving anything to chance. From the Country style it inherits coatings and boiserie. The wall in its architectural essence is forgotten, covering itself with decorative elements capable of characterizing it. For this reason, wallpapers are very popular and the decorations alternate complex details with small and refined textures.

Even the fabrics of the curtains, usually in silk or fine cotton, are enriched with decorations and large draperies. There is no shortage in the living area as well as in the bedroom velvet cushions and fine carpets, preferably antique Persians.

The sofas are padded and oversized. The meaning you want to convey is precisely that of opulence and hospitality.

Leather is the most used material for sofas, which however also know the alternative in precious velvets. The classic-style houses transmit warmth thanks also to the light colors of the walls, others to the warm white, which we at Modulor identify with the classic 9010, light dove gray, cream and beige are welcome. These colors go very well with wood, highlighting it and helping to create a feeling of warmth as a whole.

classic style materials

The Modulor selection of colors, textures and furniture references for the Classico moodboard.


The Modern Classic style follows all the characteristics of the Classic style but differs for its essentiality and linearity. We could define it elegant and refined but without exceeding. The choice of wood in the Modern Classic style is recognized for the finish: almost never natural, but much more frequently dyed. Thus the stylistic features of the furnishings are emphasized, in particular the banding and also the shells and shaped profiles. Unlike the Country or Shabby Chic style, the varnishing of the wooden furniture is not done “by hand”, that is leaving the mark of the brushstroke visible which makes them so handcrafted, but with a flat-color matt lacquer that even hides the vein. The range of colors expands and is dared with bright and modern colors, both for the lacquering of the furnishings and for the walls. The wallpaper as well as the paints characterized by particular colors, favor more geometric and contemporary decorations.

gray modern classic kitchen
green modern classic kitchen

Two examples of Modern Classic style kitchens with variations in the chromatic choice.


The Living Room is the most important part of the house, precisely because it is the place of conviviality, where time is dedicated to guests and to oneself. For this reason, its dimensions are often important, reflecting the privileged role played by this environment. Since the contemporary houses have ever smaller rooms, to maintain an important living room, a single open space environment can be created by also incorporating the dining room. The resulting environment will thus be used in a part as a dining area, equipped with a large table with important chairs, even better if padded armchairs, and the relaxation area will find space on the side. To characterize the latter, large sofas combined with upholstered armchairs with a retro taste. The classic style does not include island sofas, but prefers classic conformations accompanied by matching armchairs, even better if in leather.

Classic Living room

A Classic Modern Living Room.

The kitchen is elegant and simple; it is a space used only for the preparation of meals and not for its consumption. Essentiality is the key word for this. As with the Country style, appliances tend to be hidden, usually leaving only the oven with its characteristic steel knobs exposed.

classic kitchen creamy
classic kitchen cupboard
classic kitchen creamy

A Classic kitchen part of a Parisian style project.

In the bedroom you can play with the headboards, very important to which you combine antique furniture, such as a chest of drawers with decorations and inlays or a petineuse with mirror.

One of the characteristics of the classic-style bedrooms is precisely the presence of a cabinet dedicated to make-up and evening preparation, together with large mirrors and majestic wardrobes. ​

classic room beams
 classic room wooden chest of drawers

Refined headboards characterize this Sicilian villa with a classic taste.

In the bathroom it is better to prefer a beautiful freestanding white ceramic bathtub instead of huge and ultra-technological shower heads. A wallpaper on a wall or antique paintings cannot be missing.

The entrance, or in many cases the corridor that leads from the main door to the majestic living room, must live in harmony with the rest of the house. For this a small low cupboard with drawers and a mirror with a precious frame can be the winning card.

classic entrance

The entrance of an elegant Milanese apartment.

The Classic style and its modern meaning are suitable for rigorous characters, lovers of aesthetics and its traditional refinement. It perfectly marries personality lovers of the past, attentive to details but with an excellent overview. The classic style interior setting is almost scenographic. A style that loves beauty and the arts in all their expressive forms.

Adapting standar furniture with tailor-made solutions

Adapting standar furniture with tailor-made solutions

Custom-made furniture and stardar products belong to two different worlds, bringing with them a large repertoire of solutions and projects. Each has great strengths and opportunities, but both also know their weaknesses. Sometimes it happens that these two worlds come into contact, helping and supporting each other. After all, it is well known: unity is strength!


A master bathroom with elegant series furniture.
On the side, made-to-measure valances hide the support rails of the curtains

Standard and customed furniture: eternal rivals? Not at all!

It is common belief that standard furniture and custom-made solutions are ruthless competitors. Nothing true!

In fact, these are different realities that provide valid project proposals to customers, offering them a market capable of satisfying every request. Tastes, needs and desires of customers often interface with intrinsic constraints.
These include: budget limits, production restrictions, delivery times, availability and variety of alternatives.
Within the world of furniture design and production there are in fact an infinite number of secondary aspects that define the strengths, but also the limits of each company.

We can imagine the world of furniture as a range of parameters, at the extremes of which lie the cardinal principles of the two worlds.
On the one hand, standard furniture at super cheap prices capable of destroying any competitive market.
Its philosophy is certainly linked to a democratization of design that exploits large industrial production to contain prices and make its products accessible to all.

At the opposite end, a niche market, linked to the concept of “exclusivity”, chosen for its impossibility of identical reproduction and the opportunity for customization.
The choice of this type of furniture is linked to a feeling of privilege in its availability.

Between these two opposites there are the infinite number of companies that experience design on a daily basis.
Embracing the entire range of the market in this sector would be impossible and counterproductive, leading to poor results both for the manufacturer and for the customer himself.

It necessarily follows a specialization in the type of products and an identification of the reference target.
Precisely for this reason, standard furniture and tailor-made solutions cannot be considered competitors because they embrace different philosophies, targets and production systems. Their relationship is instead collaborative and mutually supportive, making the most of the potential of each party.


Potential and constraints of standard products

One of the main advantages of series furniture is the vastness of the market to which they belong.
This makes it possible to satisfy the tastes of each customer, providing a wide choice of solutions and variants. To this is added an economic advantage deriving from the optimization of production.In fact, by exploiting the industrial production and the repetition of the pieces, it is possible to optimize the production phase in the best possible way, managing to contain costs. This also implies an ever more careful precision and improvement of the single elements.

On the other hand, this specific reproducibility limits the scope for intervention and customization. The world of mass-produced furniture works in reproducible and combinable “modules”.
Customization consists in knowing how to combine the individual elements and organize them in a different way, but it certainly does not allow for specific product customization as in custom-made furniture.

So here are island, peninsula or monobloc kitchens that take on different shapes depending on the environment in which they are inserted.
However, these find their first obstacles when there are architectural constraints or special requests from customers.
Customization does not cover all levels of furniture reading.

This is where bespoke design comes in, offering its attention to detail and custom design.


When standard and customed furniture meet each other: a full-height shaped mirror fits into a SPA context with scenographic furnishings from important manufacturers

Works of tailor-made workmanship: a contemporary style kitchen

Where the supply of standard furniture reaches its limit of customization, the flexibility and spirit of adaptation of bespoke furniture comes into play.

An excellent example of this, is this luxury-style house distributed over three levels.
The maintenance and collaboration with Modulor involved different rooms.

First of all, the kitchen, consisting of a wall equipped with full-height doors on the right side of the access and a central island with a design hood. Precisely in this last element, the volumetric composition of the furniture provides a large surface that can be used as a worktop, but it prevents its use of meals.
In fact, by equipping the worktop with doors and lower drawers, it could not be used as a support surface for quick meals, as it did not provide adequate space for the user’s seat.

Finding tailor-made solutions in this example meant creating a lateral niche in the volume of the island. In this way, even with a not very wide depth, it was possible for customers to find the right space to sit comfortably while keeping their legs perpendicular to the structure. A comfortable snack bar for 2/3 people that does not give up on a work surface and support surface.


An important island kitchen modified with tailor-made solutions: a niche has been created in the lower volume in order to use the worktop also as a support point for the consumption of quick meals

The sleeping area between secret passages and princess bedrooms

Even in the sleeping area, custom-made design has found ease to express its experience and personalization.

The classic-style bedroom is characterized by the presence of an important bed with drapery and padded headboard with a fairytale look. Taking advantage of a lateral architectural niche, a desk with wall unit and shaped shelves was inserted in order to make it an integral part of the spatial configuration.

The custom-made desk top is accompanied by a chest of drawers with bands that also acts as a load-bearing element.
This is accompanied by a wall unit with a molded door and shelves in matt white lacquered MDF that reflect the boiserie.

Even the bedside tables take up the style of the bedroom with handles in customed sheet metal in the shape of butterflies.
The side service bathroom illuminates the room with a glossy white tile wall cladding, crystal shower and pedestal sink with custom wall mirror.


Every princess’s dream bedroom hosts an important bed with drapery and padded back


Details of a small bedroom from large-scale distribution: upholstered draperies and backrests perfectly match bedside tables with shaped sheet metal handles


The desk in the niche takes up the classic style of the boiserie paneling through door moldings


Shelves and doors in white lacquered MDF in warm tones for this classic style desk


The made-to-measure mirror accompanies the classic style design pedestal washbasin

Always in the upper floor, takes place the walk-in closet, whose orange tones give a touch of character and freshness to the room while remaining elegant and impressive.

A retractable mechanism is hidden inside the side structure.
What apparently looks like a support bench hides a flap door with a system of internal channels that allow dirty clothes to be brought directly to the laundry area. This internal conduit channel is also intercepted at the level of the living area through the opening of a door on the external front of the kitchen. What apparently seems to be part of the molded boiserie is transformed into a storage point for the tea towels which, using the internal slope, are taken directly to the laundry.


Composition of a walk-in closet with elements in series: on the sides hangers and shelves covered in orange leather, in the center a chest of drawers in textured bilaminate


The side wall of the walk-in closet with shelves and hangers.
On the right, the small service bench hides the channel that leads to the laundry


Left: the folding door mechanism from which the conduit for soiled garments starts. Right: the door incorporated in the boiserie that intercepts the path for the kitchen products.

Industrial style: from the raw soul to the professional mark

Industrial style: from the raw soul to the professional mark

The industrial style has increasingly characterized the interiors of recent years, becoming the emblem of an authentic and essential lifestyle. From its traditional rustic meaning, it then meets the refined and contemporary variant, influenced by luxury finishes and lines.

Especially in the reality of custom-made kitchens, the raw and traditional mark has given way to modern conformations, inspired by professional cooking solutions. Functionality and efficiency become the keywords for an essential and modern style.

Alba apartment 04 industrial style

Iron bookcases with wooden details enrich this industrial-style relax room designed by Locatelli Partners and made by Modulor

The industrial style in its historical evolution

To trace the origins of the Industrial Style we have to move overseas, more precisely to New York. We are in the postwar years, when in the 1950s, the demand for low-cost housing flowed into the reuse of abandoned spaces. The strong stylistic imprint linked to these environments, gives rise to a real fascination for industrial archeology.

The iconographic references of the time, contextualized in the world of art and cinematography, accentuate this stylistic movement, increasingly introducing the perception of the architectural wreck as a scenario of everyday life.
An example of all, is Andy Warhol’s Factory, a studio for his works during the boom years of Pop Art.

From the American metropolises, the new style was then moved to small local realities and landed in Europe during the 1980s.
Trends from the new continent are enthusiastically welcomed by the great revolutionary cities of London and Berlin.
It is no coincidence that London was the protagonist of the Great Industrial Revolution, from which setting, the industrial style drew on the development of new domestic scenarios.

The subsequent spread to the remaining countries of Europe and World coincided with the simultaneous need to reduce land use.

Andy Warhol Factory

Andy Warhol in his factory, a film icon in the successful years of Pop Art

industrial style materials

Metals are the protagonists of the industrial style, matched with raw woods, concrete and industrial resins

The charm of the industrial style in its architectural concept

The industrial world as a reference point for the domestic reality was well assimilated by the culture of the time also due to its revolutionary breath.
The industry has in fact marked a breaking point with the traditional, especially for the social changes that the revolution of the late 19th century has introduced.

The industrial style enhances the “architectural wreck”, bringing a romantic vision of the passage of time on buildings.
The reuse of industrial spaces thus favors functional architectures, transforming the structural elements into focal points of interest.
Pipes, concrete pillars, large windows with metal frames, exposed bricks and peeling walls are elements to be carefully preserved.

industrial attic Bergamo 05

In this attic, the exposed beams and traditional walls represent the stylistic signature of the interior

 traditional rustic loft

Large windows, exposed brick and metal structure for this rustic loft in Kyiv.
Photograph: Andrey Avdeenko

Between exposed systems, materials and floors ..

From the point of view of spatial organization, the open space and large ceilings certainly play a fundamental role: free-plan spaces characterized by the lack of vertical partitions, even better if set up to take advantage of the large heights.

The myth of the Loft is born, in which the functional organization of domestic interiors revolves around the exploitation of double heights.

By keeping the skeleton of the infrastructure on view, the system design components become synonymous of authenticity and strongly characterize the space.
The floors are mostly rough, with concrete or industrial resins, while the lighting takes place from the large windows. These maintain their industrial setting with a metal frame and vertical partitions, absolutely abolishing curtains or sunshades. Artificial lighting takes place through rough-looking exposed fixtures, certainly made of metal and in most cases through visible suspension structures such as rails or tie rods.

furniture and colors industrial style

Color references and furnishings in typical industrial style

Alba apartment 09

The large wooden table gives warmth to this kitchen

The contemporary meaning

In its contemporary meaning, the industrial style meets two different variants.

On the one hand, taking back its natural spirit, it marries the vintage interest by adorning the space with antiques and a strong traditional imprint.
With this in mind, wrought iron wall clock appears while metal chairs different from each other are combined with the inevitable solid wood table.
Even better if it is reused from an old workshop so that it keeps traces and signs of use on its surface.

living room industrial loft

A prestigious industrial loft with black waxed iron furnishings reflects the architectural context in which it is inserted

kitchen industrial loft

A kitchen entirely covered in steel for this New York loft

Professional kitchens as a source of inspiration

On the other hand, the inspiration of increasingly functional and equipped industrial kitchens forcefully enters the common imagination. Just think of the quantity of television programs that every day offer us steel worktops with an island structure and industrial hoods with a strong stylistic imprint.

From the reality of industrial kitchens, it draws the trend that could be defined as “luxury” of contemporary industrial style. Combined with marble or retro-painted glass, contemporary industrial-style kitchens are clad in stainless steel. Equipped with state-of-the-art appliances, they favor functionality and highly resistant materials.

However, even the contemporary industrialist does not renounce a warm and welcoming interior. So, the wooden dining table or the leather design armchair characterize the space, giving warmth and elegance.

Alba apartment 05

Professional kitchen is the world of inspiration for materials and types of this Piedmontese kitchen

industrial luxury apartment 04

A kitchen between industrial and luxury style, enriched by the marble top and shaped profiles of the handles

essential steel kitchen

The island structure is the most common type for industrial kitchens

Functional and extremely practical, the Industrial Style is aimed at decisive personalities who are always on the move. Its simple lines matched with highly resistant materials make it practical and eternal, without giving up a touch of traditional warmth.

Designing a smartworking corner according to Modulor

Designing a smartworking corner according to Modulor

During the last few months, our daily life has been completely changed by the global pandemic.
Not only our habits have changed, from small daily gestures to the way we use services, but also the working and private world have been seen from a different perspective.
If until recently, in fact, the coexistence between home and work life was a voluntary choice of a few people, now almost all families have faced concepts such as smartworking, DAD and online meetings.

But what does it mean at a spatial level to introduce smartworking? How have customers’ needs changed to cope with this now habitual type of work?

classic villa 01 corner of smartworking

A retro-style wooden desk with a modern equipped wall for a classic and contemporary smartworking corner


The change in habits and lifestyles has involved all aspects of our daily life. From simple gestures such as shaking hands as a sign of knowledge and respect or greeting each other with a warm hug, to participating in cultural and recreational activities such as shows or concerts. The changes that have necessarily been introduced have certainly upset our perception of the private sphere and relating.

Added to this is a new conception of the working world that has increasingly entered our domestic environments.
Previously, in fact, working remotely had been a choice or opportunity for a few, who deliberately knew how to relate both aspects in a single environment. Whether reserving an entire room or dividing domestic spaces with a well-defined design logic.
This is the case, for example, of this studio-home whose design has followed the principles of Feng Shui to organize the internal activities.

From a refined choice, the introduction of a smartworking corner has now become a necessary requirement. All the more so if in the same household the different users need a computer station and well isolated settings to be able to carry out online lessons or conferences on Zoom without interference.

 Milan studio living room 03

Romantic and Shabby Chic atmosphere for this essential worktop


The months of “confinement” between the first lockdown and the subsequent subdivision into regions according to the chromatic distinction have certainly influenced our way of living the house.
Just think of the number of hours spent at home in the last few months.

As a consequence of this, first of all, a critical vision of one’s own interiors has been introduced. Small improvements to be made, more refined aesthetic details, functional additions in each room.
To demonstrate this, it is enough to recalling the endless queues in the furniture megastores and DIY stores after the first opening in May 2020. More or less improvised solutions, which many times also involve a “self-taught” component to create greater satisfaction in the final result.

Even in custom-made furnishings, customers have followed this wave of changes with requests that could make the spaces in the home more functional. Whether it is a greater attention to the aesthetic impact or a technical improvement, it was certainly the way of seeing one’s home that changed. To all this is added the aforementioned parameter of necessity, and here is the most common request in recent months: providing a corner for smart working.


In our previous creations, we had already faced with study corners and walls equipped with desks to make the different rooms more functional. Surely bookcases and most of all desks have become the center of attention. In some cases, these have occupied an entire dedicated room with large and bright rooms. This is the case, for example, of this workstation with an industrial touch inserted in full-height bookcases. A linear element runs along the wall perforated by large windows providing a comfortable support and work points. To embrace the central relaxation area, bookcases with black waxed iron sides and wooden shelves. Another example is this gallery equipped as a study, which exploits the slope of the beamed ceiling to place an essential desk overlooking the living area, and a bookcase embedded in the lower heights.

Alba apartment 03

The oak worktop develops along the side wall with linearity and essentiality in the industrial interior of this apartment

loft studio

Equipping an attic as a study allows you to take advantage of the internal heights while respecting the brightness of the interior.
A minimalist desk overlooks the contemporary pop interior of this apartment

With the passage of time and changing needs, even the work spaces have adapted to the existing furnishings, making them as functional and essential as possible.

Among these, the classic large desks with drawers and a service bookcase. This version offers a material and chromatic combination with a masculine touch: anthracite gray linoleum top with painted iron supports. It is accompanied by a shaped shelf with black waxed iron covering that with simplicity and elegance provides a practical support for small objects or books.
On the side, a bookcase with shelves which is part of the compact structure which also includes the bed with a trunk opening and wardrobe with bridge component. The black waxed iron sides contrast with the matt lacquered MDF shelves, creating material and chromatic contrasts with a strong character.

 Smartworking anthracite metal desk
anthracite metal desk front view

A desk with an anthracite gray linoleun top and iron profiles defines the masculine stylistic imprint of this bedroom

Details MDF and metal bookcase

Details of the bookcase and shelves in black waxed iron and matt lacquered MDF.
Material and chromatic contrasts.


The passage of time has given rise to more essential projects, which also exploit small spaces with practical and compact solutions. Among these, a support surface with flap opening attached to the existing bookcase.
The wooden shelves become the key to horizontal reading, appearing almost set between the vertical sides in lacquered MDF. Games of depth and geometry give life to a room marked by an essential visual rhythm.

 bookcase with closed smartworking top
 bookcase with opened smartworking top

The top of this wooden bookcase exploits its flap opening to optimize the space

 detail tops in oak MDF shoulders
 detail front view of bookcase shelves

Material details with a strong aesthetic character: the wooden shelves are embedded in the shoulders by the vertical reading in MDF

On the other hand, the solutions that take advantage of the reduced heights with rough and natural surfaces have a more romantic soul. In this example, a cherry wood worktop expresses all its material uniqueness with visible knots and a rustic profile, without sacrificing sophisticated details. However, the simple but incisive design line does not renounce practicality. For this reason, a hole has been provided for the passage of cables along the depth of the top, making it also functional for the electrical preparation.

 front view cherry wood desk smartworking

Modern furnishings and natural elements harmonize in this smartworking corner with an authentic soul

 smartworking cherry wood desk top details

A raw cherry wood top expresses all its naturalness

The smart working that has overwhelmingly spread in these difficult times will most likely not remain a transitory phenomenon but will increasingly become part of our life, it will become a necessary space in the home. We designers are ready not to forget it in the design phase and follow its evolutions.

Children in safety

Children in safety

Not all environments may be suitable for the safety of children. Designers are used to designing solutions tailor-made for customers’s needs. However, these can change over the years. In this case, a beautiful aerial staircase in a stately home can become an element of danger with the arrival of the progeny. Here the project of the whole apartment.

house with aerial staircase

the staircase before the intervention


The small creatures under the meter who are experimenting with the use of their body in fact do not yet have the sense of danger. All the elements and objects of the house must be reconceived with their eyes. What can be attractive but fragile and in their reach must be moved, dangerous edges and corners must be covered and empty spaces, in which one can slip and fall, closed or buffered. Every element such as stairs, furniture and hallways of the house must be secured. In this case the danger of the staircase was given by the open part under the middle stainless steel bands of the central barrier, which wind along the entire slope and on the gallery.

house with aerial ladder in child safety

the aerial ladder after



We have found an effective, very elegant, minimally invasive and inexpensive solution to solve this problem. To secure the ladder we have used 3 mm polycarbonate, sized, cutted and fixed to the inside of the barrier, leaving the handrail and the first band at child height free for the grip. Square elements in Plexiglas were then fixed with stainless steel design studs from the outside of the staircase, leaving the handrail and its central bands untouched and using them as a sandwich thickness. In this way, all the plastic part are fixed and safe. For the balcony we have used 1cm hardened Plexiglas that is more resistant in the case of heavy impacts with objects thrown without reason by our little users. As a fastening system the same as the ladder. Seeing the before and after photos you will notice that these plastic elements seem to disappear within the general view of the house. Only by looking carefully can you see the reflections of the Plexiglas and polycarbonate and the studded squares.

children's gate on steel structure
children's gate details
plexiglass details


For access to the stairs custom-made gates have been designed: one for the lower access and a second for the upper part of the gallery. The gates were made of MDF, shaped and engraved with a numerical control machine and then lacquered with matte orange paint. In the same color tone the other points of orange present in the living area.

children's gate

The shape of the gates are that of an autumn leaf, its symmetrical veins remain in the center of the design while three holes, always recalling a leaf, are found in the upper part to lighten the element. There are no holes in the lower part to avoid climbing daredevil little climbers. Both gates were fixed to the staircase thanks to wooden blocks fixed together on the upright of the staircase and then painted in the same dark anthracite. At the back of the gates, in a strategic position not reachable by children, there is a sliding bolt for close and open them.

children's gate
children's gate


This intervention has absolutely not touched the existing staircase and when it will be disassembled everything will back as before. It is a temporary solution but satisfies the eye to the point that it could remain mounted more than necessary. For the moment, the important thing is that the children are safe, free to walk up and down the ladder independently and stay and play in the attic part of the house.

closing balcony and child safety gates

Designing in details a customed wardrobe

Designing in details a customed wardrobe

From the needs of the customers and the type of clothing used, the project for a customed wardrobe is born, studied in its internal configuration in the smallest details. A careful choice of materials and finishes give importance and elegance to the project.

internal configuration wardrobe man shelves detail

Studying the internal configuration of a customed wardrobe

Studying the internal configuration of a wardrobe, it is essential, as a first step, to analyze the type of clothing owned. Tubular hangers and shelves for folded items are balanced to best meet the needs of customers, making the most of the space. In fact, shirts, jackets, trousers and dresses occupy different dimensions depending on how they are folded. For this reason, it would be counterproductive to design a “universal” wardrobe.
The first step in designing a made-to-measure wardrobe is therefore to study the customer: to know their habits, tastes and needs. In the case of this young couple, the six-door wardrobe has been divided equally into two compartments: the women’s section, in which the hanger certainly prevails, but in which there are also small shelves for folded items, and the men’s section balanced between folded and hung.

Each item has its own space

The next step in the design was to study different typological variants of the wardrobe product in order to maintain a uniform line of sight in both sectors, but at the same time find the optimal solution for the internal organization of the space.

The internal layout has been designed in such a way as to respect the two divisions and keep them mirroring each other. The pair of central doors was thus conceived with a symmetrical internal division reserved for folded items.

Modulor internal configuration wardrobe proposal 01


In the first solution, extractable glass shelves are designed for folded shirts and t-shirts in order to store them in a more orderly and elegant way. In the women’s department, the hanging division allows the set of long dresses on the left side, and short dresses with folded trousers on the right side. The women’s department is completed by a chest of drawers for bags and accessories and upper shelves. The conformation of the men’s department is instead characterized by fixed tubulars for trousers folded in the lower part, shirts and jackets in the upper part.

Modulor internal configuration wardrobe proposal 02
Modulor internal configuration wardrobe proposal 03
Modulor internal configuration wardrobe proposal 04

The second solution proposed sees both components configured in the same way. The only difference is in the women’s part, where a side shelf is eliminated to accommodate long dresses. The third and fourth solutions also see the alternation of shelves and tubulars in order to ensure the double height of the hangers on one side, and a good number of drawers for underwear on the other.

internal configuration wardrobe front view woman part

The definitive conformation.

Among the various solutions proposed, after a comparison and mutual relationship with customers, the project proposal was born and then became reality. A configuration that respects the needs of each part, setting up a women’s department with hangers in the upper part that hosts dresses of different lengths. At the service of this, for greater practicality, a dark-toned side table with painted aluminum tubing that guarantees great resistance and capacity. In the lower part, a fixed tubular for skirts, blouses and shelves for sweaters and bulky items. 

Modulor internal configuration wardrobe woman
Modulor internal configuration wardrobe drawers
Modulor internal configuration wardrobe man

The pair of central doors, mirrored on both sides, has a fixed hanger for folded trousers in the upper part and linen drawers in the lower part. The first of these is characterized by the presence of internal dividers and velvet bottom to keep the belts in order. In the masculine part, the upper part with servetto is dedicated to jackets and shirts, while the lower part houses fixed shelves for folded items and a large drawer on the bottom for bulky. To accompany the whole, a chest of drawers with central compartment for accessories and upper service shelf.

Servetto brown detail
internal configuration wardrobe drawers with brass handles
open drawers detail internal configuration wardrobe man
internal configuration wardrobe woman hanger
oak shelves detail
chest of drawers side view
chest of drawers front view
chest of drawers detail

Materials and finishes

Even the choice of materials and finishes reflects a particular attention to detail and a refined taste. The doors in white-stained ash are combined with handles in satin brass sheet with joint and fold system that makes them elegant and refined. The same type of handles, with sheet metal coplanar with the wooden structure, is used in the external chest of drawers, whose development follows a horizontal rather than a vertical trend. The interior of the wardrobe and the structure of the chest of drawers are in smoked oak, whose warm and soft shades perfectly match the existing natural oak parquet. A reference to brass is also present in the internal drawers of the wardrobe, with very simple but elegant folded sheet metal handles that rest on the front of the drawers. Servetti with brown aluminum finish, fixed tubulars and hinges with black color finish complete the overall view with uniformity and elegance.

wardrobe doors white ash
brass sheet handle detail
brass handle detail chest of drawers
internal divider detail belt tray
fixed hanger brown detail
black hinge detail

Designing a made-to-measure wardrobe means thinking about an internal conformation that best meets the needs and practicality of customers. Like an item of clothing, furniture must also perfectly fit the personality of the user.