A tribute to the architecture studios that have believed in us all these years and to those who still don’t know us.

cofanetto Modulor


Our work is aimed at two worlds with different needs: one is that of private individuals and their homes, one is that of architecture studios dedicated to the realization of their creative projects. We wanted to dedicate this present especially to them: a box containing a book with all our most beautiful works, an emotional description of who we are and how we work and a sweet thought. We don’t want to anticipate anything else so as not to spoil the surprise to those who will receive it. If you are in Italy or abroad, if you are an architecture firm, a creative studio, or just a private individual who wants to know us a little better, write to us below leaving us your name and address, we will also send you one of the our special boxes.


12 + 1 =

Interno cofanetto Modulor
anteprima book
anteprima book 02